Hope Healing and Freedom, through the Love of Jesus by the Power of The Holy Spirit
Our vision is simply what we feel God called us to Medway for.
Jesus told us when we first planted the church that the purpose of Medway Vineyard was to bring hope healing and freedom to Medway through the love of Jesus by the power of The Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus heals, He brings freedom and transformation, He offers an abundant life to those who seek him. Our vision is to be Kingdom people carrying the love of Jesus into our towns and communities, into individual lives and situations. Whether that is by feeding and clothing the poor, by coming alongside those that are struggling, bringing emotional or physical healing to people through the power of The Holy Spirit or inviting people into a community of people that are worshippers of Jesus.
We are wholeheartedly captivated by the love of Jesus, compelled and empowered by The Holy Spirit and firmly rooted in the Word of God.
So how do we do this?
We have been called by God to be a relevant, regionally based church with Jesus at the centre which is outward-focussed and committed to taking risks in order to see lives transformed and to plant further churches.
Our Values
We have been rescued and set free from our brokenness and shame. We passionately and with deep gratitude worship and honour Father, Son and Holy Spirit with all that we have for all that He has done.
Word & Spirit
We believe the Bible is the unerring and powerful Word of God (even the tricky bits). We also love the person of The Holy Spirit and we need Him to empower us to live out God’s Word for our lives.
Come As You Are
We don’t do fake church. We are all sinners on a journey to become more like Jesus. We don’t judge but rather encourage and support one another.
Signs & Wonders
We believe the gifts of the Spirit are as much for today as in biblical times. We believe that signs and wonders follow those who believe. We believe! We have experienced much and are expectant for more.
Love is central for Medway Vineyard. Love for Jesus, love for each other and love for our community. We believe love is the economy of the Kingdom and it is at the heart of all we do.
If you are interested in learning more about our vision or values, just come along to something we’re doing, as we express these values in everything we do.